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Discover the HELLEUM


Workshops in the HELLEUM

The pedagogical direction of the workshops is based on the "Lernwerkstatt"-concept and on the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Within an open topic-oriented learning enviroment, individual and interest-based learning without regulated guidelines and instructions will be made possible. Partners, materials, working method, content and timeframe of the employment as well as the methods with wich the children explore their own questions. By doing so partial competences of the shaping skill, like e.g. independent acting, the solving of individual decision-making dilemmas, participation, cooperation, the ability to adopt others perspective and support of others are challenged and strengthened. Beside the exploration of scientific phenomena, the workshops deal with topics like use of renewable ressources, regenerative energies, recycling, management of ressources (ground, water, waste), pollution (air, ground, water).

3 - 69:00-12:30 pm3,5 h.
1 - 29:00 - 11:00 und 11:30 - 13:30 pm2 h
Preschool9:00 - 11:00 und 11:30 - 13:30 pm2 h

Wasser marsch!

"Wasser marsch" (Water)

What´s swimming? What´s sinking? What´s living in the water? Dive with Helle and Leum into the world of water. Change water, move water and discover it´s power.

More about the workshop "Wasser marsch"

Boden schätzen

"Boden schätzen" (Ground)

What´s it´s origin and what is within the ground? Dig out the ground with Helle and Leum, filter the ground, miscrocope the ground and use it.

More about the workshop "Boden schätzen"

Wind bringt’s

"Wind bringt´s" (Wind)

How can wind become light? How strong is the wind? Explore windy things with Helle and Leum. Whether playing, moving, shaping, or flying - Wind´s doing it

More about the workshop "Wind bringt´s"

Müll macht`s

"Müll macht´s" (Waste)

What to do with the waste and what will become of it? With Helle and Leum on to a waste expedition. Collecting, seperating and recyling waste.

More about the workshop "Waste"

Education for sustainable development within the workshop "Waste"

Arbeit schafft`s (Mechanik)

"Arbeit schafft´s" (Work/ Mechanism)

Can you move heavy things easily? Does this work? Explore with Helle and Leum the world of rolls, levers and gears. Whether cranking, rolling or levering - Work´s working.

Sonne satt

"Sonne satt" (Sun)

How can sun beams be controlled? How hot is light? Sunny times in sight with Helle and Leum. Cook, paint and move things with the power of the sun.

More about the workshop "Sonne satt"

Education for sustainable development within the workshop "Sonne satt".

Luft lüften!

"Luft lüften" (Air)

What is air made of and can you see it? With Helle and Leum into the air! Catch air, weigh air and consume air! Discover the secrets of the air.


Offene Lernwerkstatt

Montag   >  15.00 - 18.00 Uhr

Mittwoch >  15.00 - 18.00 Uhr




Workshop: Arbeit schafft's

bis 28.02.2025.

Informations Flyer


Neue Termine vom Tüfteltheater

18.02.2025: „Die ver(d)rückte Luft“ | Dresden

14.03.2025: „Die ver(d)rückte Luft“ | Lübben

09.04.2025: „Fixpunkt Archimedes!“ | Berlin

12.07.2025: „Die ver(d)rückte Luft“ | Klessen

Weitere Informationen zum Tüfteltheater.


Unsere 10-jährige HELLEUM-Erfahrung:

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Perlen aus der Offenen Lernwerkstatt

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Das Gesamtprogramm des HELLEUM wurde 2012-2014 im Rahmen des Projekts „Naturwissenschaftlich-technische Umweltbildung im HELLEUM“ durch die Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt gefördert.