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For adults


Open Tüftelnachmittage

Open "Tüftelnachmittage" (tinker afternoon) for students of Pedagogy


Because of the very high interest to discover the HELLEUM from students, trainees and pedagogical professionals, we developed a new offer, which makes it possible for students of Pedagogy to visit and experience the HELLEUM. Since January 2016 we host an "Open "Tüftelnachmittag" for (students of Pedagogy " every month. All interested parties, who wants to visit and discover the premises, the materials and the concept of the HELLEUM, are invited. We provide the opportunity for you to experiment with the current workshop topic and talk and discuss with our learning facilitators.


Timeframe: 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm

If you are interested, please sign in with your name, the number of people and the institution under info[at] not later than one month before the next event.


We look forward to your visit!

Training Courses

The HELLEUM-concept is based on three content-related pillars: "Lernwerkstatt", science environmental eductaion and education for sustainable development. An essential part of the HELLEUM-offer are our workshops to seven science technical topics (link to the workshops).


We offer inservice teacher and pre-educator training courses for each workshop topic. Hier you can learn and practice the workshop concept of HELLEUM before you visit us with your group of children.

Even if it was not possible to book a workshop for you, you are still welcome to discover the HELLEUM-concept and -offer as part of a training course.


We are going to discuss the following questions, while discovering the learning environment together:

Why "Lernwerkstatt" and what are the principles of "Lernwerkstatt"-work?

How is a workshop to a specific topic constructed? Which didactic and educational aims stand behind every learning environment?

What is the HELLEUM?

Which competences can be challenged and supported within the workshops?

How is the education for sustainable development implemented within the workshops?

What is the role of learning guides within a HELLEUM-workshop? And what part do the teachers and educators play, who accompany the children?

What comes after the HELLEUM-workshops? What do the children remember? How is it possible to follow the topic even further back at school?

Is the workshop content transferable?


Dates for training courses:

The training courses for the next school year have yet to be announced.


The HELLEUM-training courses are recognised as regional ones.


The number of participants is restricted. The participation is free.


Sign in at: info[at]


Please give us your name, the name of your institution and the topic of the training course you wish to participate in, upon signing in.


Offene Lernwerkstatt

Montag   >  15.00 - 18.00 Uhr

Mittwoch >  15.00 - 18.00 Uhr




Mathe ma`ticken - Workshop

läuft ab 11.11. bei uns!



Unsere 10-jährige HELLEUM-Erfahrung:

hier ansehen


Perlen aus der Offenen Lernwerkstatt

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