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About Us

HELLEUM der Ort des forschenden Lernens

Welcome to the HELLEUM-Kinderforscherzentrum in Berlin !

HELLEUM is an innovative Learning and Research Center for Children and Youth (Kinderforscherzentrum) in the Berlin area Marzahn-Hellersdorf. The newly built Kinderforscherzentrum is based around the concept of a “Lernwerkstatt” and was planned under consideration of newest early learning and teaching concepts. Children, educators and teachers from pre- and elementary schools and families are invited to the science workshops to test their skills, to ask questions about different science and technology aspects and take their own approaches to explorative learning. HELLEUM is a place for a large variety of workshops, networking activities , in-service training programs, science days and conferences.

A specific educational approach allows children and adults to explore science and technology as a learning process. The heart of the HELLEUM is a 160-square-meter large flexibly equipped room (Lernwerkstatt), which contains a wide range of inspiring materials and high-quality laboratory equipment. The Lernwerkstatt can so easily be adapted to create different topic-oriented learning enviroments.


HELLEUM runs in cooperation with Bezirksamt Marzahn-Hellersdorf, Berlin Education Council, Quartiersmanagement Hellersdorfer Promenade, Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences andHumboldt-University of Berlin, Department of Physics and is supported by different local and international companies and foundations, e.g. the TSB Technologiestiftung Berlin. These partnerships guaranty a permanent knowledge exchange about new technologies in order to raise a new generation of science and modern technology experts as well as to develop and realise long-life learning concepts.

In addition to that, we currently plan an extension stage for students from junior high-school, starting with the age of 11 or 12, the HELLEUM-Schülerlabor. All in all, together with the HELLEUM-Kinderforscherzentrum/Lernwerkstatt, the HELLEUM student lab will provide an exemplary, sustainable and permanent learning opportunity from pre-school up to high-school diploma and early career development. The scientific concept development of the HELLEUM-Schülerlabor is supported by Humboldt-University of Berlin, Institut für Physik and the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation.

HELLEUM -Lernwerkstatt, the first part of of the HELLEUM-Kinderforscherzentrum, was open in Winter 2012.