Welcome at innovative Research Center for Children HELLEUM!
HELLEUM is an innovative Learning and Research Center for Children and Youth (Kinderforscherzentrum) in the Berlin area Marzahn-Hellersdorf. The newly built Kinderforscherzentrum is based around the concept of a “Lernwerkstatt” and was planned under consideration of newest early learning and teaching concepts. Children, educators and teachers from pre- and elementary schools and families are invited to the science workshops to test their skills, to ask questions about different science and technology aspects and take their own approaches to explorative learning. HELLEUM is a place for a large variety of workshops, networking activities , in-service training programs, science days and conferences.
Read more about us.
Offene Lernwerkstatt
Montag > 15.00 - 18.00 Uhr
Mittwoch > 15.00 - 18.00 Uhr
Mathe ma`ticken - Workshop
läuft ab 11.11. bei uns!
Unsere 10-jährige HELLEUM-Erfahrung:
Perlen aus der Offenen Lernwerkstatt
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Preisträger 2013/2014
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closeDas HELLEUM ist Partner des Netzwerks GenaU
Botschafter des Bezirks für die IGA 2017